Lake Jocassee

Jocasse is a man made body of water in upstate SC. Duke Power finished the lake in 1974. Since then Lake Jocasse, surrounded mostly by Sumter National Forest, has remained pristine. No commercial development ruins the view and there are very few homes along the shore. Devil's Fork State Park, just off SC highway 11, is an outstanding destination for kayakers, fishermen, campers and those just looking to slowdown and breathe for a spell.
My wife and I have been visiting the park for years: camping in the summer and fall, or relaxing in the highly recommended villas.
We love the place so much we were thinking of naming our first child Jocasse... turns out HE was a
Lake Jocassee Facts:
home to the Jocassee Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Station built in 1973.
the dam is 385 ft high and 1,750 feet long.
the lake holds 7,500 acres of water and has 75 miles of shoreline.
click title at top for area history
For info on accomodations checkout Devil's Fork State Park
- map(pdf)
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